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New Reading Cluster

With the completion of St. Athanasius and the ExxonMobil book, I have a new “reading cluster” to occupy some of free time with. I am trying my best to follow three disciplines:

  1. Early Christianity: Here I finished St. Athanasius and will be replacing it with the Acts and Letters of the Apostles in the Bible
  2. Psychology: I am still working on Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung. Much of the time I struggle to grasp the concepts Jung puts forth, and I must read a paragraph several times and then really contemplate on it. That has frustrated me, but some of his native English-speaking proteges seem to write in a way more understandable to me. This book is going to take time and will likely be in my cluster for awhile
  3. Self-Improvement: I just can’t seem to make much progress with Napoleon Hill, not least because many of his concepts require serious contemplation, reflection and application. I will get through it, though. Hill was the protege of Carnegie, whose book seriously changed my life in my early 20s. I am dedicated to working through this as well.
  4. The fourth book does not follow any discipline, but is merely enjoyment reading. I finished Private Empire by Steve Coll and replaced it with a book from one of my favorite ‘narrative’ historians, R.K. Massie.


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